J. Mason Kollie & Amos Kpalia
Lofa, Voinjama City-December 09, 2024-The Ministry of Youths and Sports has rejected a joint resolution appealing for a change of venue signed by Lofa County Sports Steering Committee Chairman, Senator Momo Cyrus, Gbarpolu County, and RiverCess Counties sports steering committees Chairpersons.
The appeal for a change of venue by these counties, according to the communication sent to the Youth and Sports ministry for change of venue, was basically intended to reduce the financial burden and constraints faced by almost all of the participating counties of the annual regional sports competition. In addition to the financial reason mentioned, the letter also highlighted the challenging road condition in the southeast, especially the road leading to Greenville, Sinoe County; which has been selected to host southeastern counties.

Meanwhile, the joint resolution appeal by the three counties was out rightly rejected by former Lofa Sports Steering Committee Chairman and former President of the Lofa Bar Association Hon. Jeror Cole Bangalu. Counselor Bangalu is currently Liberia’s Youth and Sports Minister.
Edited: Jesefu Morris Keita