By: J. Mason Kollie
Lofa County, Voinjama City-December 23, 2024- Lofa County University, previously called Lofa County Community College on Saturday December 21, 2024 graduated 202 students from five (5) disciplines at the Institution.
The University graduated twelve (12) students from the Department of Agriculture, Thirteen (13) students from the Department of Business, Eight (8) Students from the Department of Engineering, Ninety seven (97) from the Department of Health Sciences and Seventy two (72) Students from the Department of Teachers Education.

The Graduation program was held on the main Campus of the University where scores of Current and past Government officers graced graduation exercise.
Serving as Keynote for the convocation was Mr. Abdullah Kamara- Acting Chairperson of the Liberia Telecommunication Authority.
During his oration, Mr. Kamara encouraged the graduates not to limit themselves to Associate Degree level but to go for the bachelors, masters, PhDs and come back home to serve the County and the broader Liberian nation.

“I want to encourage you today that as you graduate from the Lofa University with Associate Degrees, this should not be your limit, go for the Bachelor program, the Masters, and PhD , and come back home to serve Lofa County,” Mr. Kamara said.
At the same time, being an expert in IT and telecommunication with several years of experience, the LTA boss called on the Administration of Lofa University to include Internet Technology program at the Institution as his entity, the Liberia Telecommunications Authority (LTA) is doing everything humanly possible to make Liberia a digitally enhanced and transformational Country in this digital age.

He also called on the graduates to take advantage of the Liberia Digital Transformation program by enrolling and not be mere bystanders, adding that with IT knowledge, their chances of gaining employment would be high.
Meanwhile, the Lofa University President Dr. Isaac P. Podah has expressed his commitment to carry the Institution forward in the area of Infrastructure and human capacity building.
“In the midst of the challenges, we will do everything possible to carry the Institution forward. We are calling on everyone to come onboard for the promotion of this Institution. Very soon we will introduce the one Dollar Campaign on campus where each citizen will pay One Dollar to purchase a Civics book, and funding from there will go for the promotion of the Lofa University,” Dr. Podah indicated.

The Lofa University was established in 2010 through an act of legislation and it was then called the Lofa County Community College and started operation in 2012 in five buildings. However, on December 22, 2022, the College was granted a status to offer bachelor degree in different areas of studies; thus gaining the university status.
Currently, the University is offering bachelor degree in different areas. The 6th commencement Convocation is the last graduation program for Associate Degree, the next graduation will be bachelor degree programs.
Edited: Jesefu Morris Keita