SANNIQUELLIE – Nimba County Superintendent, Kou Meapea Gono, has disclosed a plan to modernize an artificial lake, Lake Telleh, in the Northeastern Liberian county, for tourism purposes.
An artificial lake or man-made lake is a human-created body of water formed by damming a river or stream designed to serve specific purposes such as water storage, power generation, or recreation.
Other countries with large artificial lakes include Ghana, Lake Volta, Lake Kariba, which lies on the border of Zambia and Zimbabwe, Lake Nasser, located in Southern Egypt and Northern Sudan, and Lake Mead, located on the Colorado River in the United States of America.
When modernized, Lake Telleh will be the center of attraction for tourists, according to the Nimba Superintendent.
“The lake will attract more investors in the county and the country at large when modernized,” Gono maintained, adding that a modernized Lake Telleh will serve as a means of raising more revenue for Nimba County.

Recounting Lake Telleh’s rich cultural and traditional history, Superintendent Gono disclosed that she is currently working with stakeholders in the tourism sector to modernize the historical lake.
“It is the dream of Nimbains home and aboard to see Lake Telleh taken to its pre-war status or even to make it more beautiful than what it was,” she stated.
Already, Gono has commenced engaging the management of a hospitality firm, LIBASA, to develop a blueprint for the modernization of Lake Telleh.
She has instructed the LIBASA management to present such a blueprint to the office of the Superintendent of Nimba County for implantation as soon as possible.
Gono made these assertions recently, in Sanniquellie City, Nimba County, when she took the management team of Nimba Eco-Lodge, managed by LIBASA, on an assessment tour of Lake Telleh.